It's Mother's Day and I've been having a really hard time today. It's the first holiday that Matt and I have spent apart, it also happens to be my first Mother's Day, and the first Sunday that Matt has been gone. Some people wouldn't think that it being a Sunday wouldn't be that big of a deal, but for me it is. The thing is that Matt always helped me and Mason get ready on Sunday mornings. He would get up and shower, then hand Mason into me, so I could shower him, and then take Mason and get him lotioned and dressed. Then he would watch me do my hair and put my makeup on. We had some great conversations during those times. But today I had to do all of that myself.
This past week I have realized all the little things that I have taken for granted that Matt did for me and Mason. Things like Sunday mornings and laundry. Matt has always done the majority of the laundry because he knows how much I hate doing laundry. Most days I can handle everything that goes on, but some days are just hard.
Tomorrow morning will mark one week since I've gotten to hug and kiss and see him. It has been one of the hardest weeks. I put up a pretty good front and manage to stay pretty busy during the day, but it's hard, especially at night. I feel bad for my siblings because I've been pretty testy this week, a combination of lack of sleep and missing Matt. There have been two people that keep me going, Mason and my mom.
My mom has been so great this week. She's been there for me every time I've needed a shoulder to cry on and needed a mommy hug. Seriously, nothing beats a mommy hug when I'm missing Matt. I'm so glad that I can be here with the rest of my family until my family can be together again.
Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)